Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thought's On Planet X

So lately I've been researching planet X and the supposed pole shift event that might take place in the very near future. From everything that I've researched, everything looks to be adding up for evidence for planet X. I Don't have a masters degree in astronomy, but I do understand the basics of earth changes, as well as astronomical terms, and the latest news. I created earth expansion to document all of the latest research I have discovered, and let my readers make a decision. There was a blogger who created a video blog about planet x, and how he thinks that planet x is quote:
"Very, Very real"
Just in case this blog gets deleted from, there will be another website that will replace it. So if you are a Google engineer reading this, you are wasting your time! The truth will prevail!

Important Yellowstone Article

 Here is a recent article from the mother nature network, which talks about hundreds of earthquakes taking place at yellow stone national park, home of some of the world's largest volcanoes.
"Hundreds of small earthquakes at Yellowstone National Park in recent weeks have been an unsettling reminder for some people that underneath the park's famous geysers and majestic scenery lurks one of the world's biggest volcanoes. In the ancient past, the volcano has erupted 1,000 times more powerfully than the 1980 blast at Mount St. Helens, hurling ash as far away as Louisiana.

No eruption that big has occurred while humans have walked the earth, however, and geologists say even a minor lava flow is extremely unlikely any time soon. Some observers are nonetheless warning of imminent catastrophe. "To those of us who have been following these events, we know that something is brewing, especially considering that Yellowstone is over 40,000 years overdue for a major eruption," warned a posting on the online disaster forum"
What's interesting is that I haven't really been tracking yellowstone, and I found this article performing a few Google searches. So there is a lot of information to track out there, and I'll do my best to try to keep up with everything.

Natural Disasters Up More Than 400 Percent in Two Decades

Another important article that I want to highlight is how natural disasters are up 400 percent in just 2 decades. Many will blame this on global warming, however, there are other planets in our galaxy that are warming up as well. 

Here is the article: Link

So What Does All This Mean?

Very simple, other things than what we are all being told, are not being revealed to the masses for the most part. The media has reached a point where if it doesn't come from a mainstream media source, it's a conspiracy theory.

Think for yourself, and watch this free video presentation from a man that has done a lot of research into what we could be facing:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Vlogger Reveals Why He Believes Planet X Is Very Real

This is a very informative movie about earth changes, everyone should take a look at it this, especially if you interested in finding out more information about planet x and the history of earth changes that is becoming obvious.